Sunday, November 30, 2008


One of the ideas i wanted to share was giving you my take on a twitter posting that I came across.

Here's the gist "...wondering why mayo, mustard and ketchup haven't joined forces yet in one bottle... "

My response is of course "Maymoktard"

Following along in the brave foot steps orignally taken by sauces such as:
tartar sauce ( relish and mayo)
cocktail sauce (ketchup and horse radish)
and of course the pink stiff that comes with your Big mac.

But is this just a combining together of condiments?

or is it a efficiency to common man that ranks with the likes of Smuckers™ Goober
( Peanut butter and strawberry jam or grape jelly in alternating stripes)

As pretty as it looks originally, after using the product for a while - it turns into a confused mess (like the one I used to get in trouble for when I was younger.

What's the solution?
I envision a beautifully designed applicator that would have the condiments separated twisting and spiraling bringing them all together at the nozzle at once. This will not only save you time, but could also allow you to swap out different condiments (say djion mustard, instead of yellow, purple ketchup, or hot and spicy for our regular.

After writing this I am now hungry and going to make myself a sandwich , the old fashion way unfortunately:(

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